£20 for 5 ZOOM sessions, including free recording - dates to be confirmed. Every Wednesday at 8pm - 30 minutes meditation £5
Please go to 'Jo's Contact Details' page and email me. You will also find my bank details for payment on this page. Thank you.
Mindfulness Meditation is when you focus on being aware of sensations and being in the present moment, without judgement, knowing that there is no right or wrong way to practice. It involves focussing on the breath, thoughts and sensations. We can relax the body and mind and by trying to bring the attention back to the present, if the mind starts to wander, we can help reduce stress and anxiety.
It is .......
It's not easy - that's why it is called a practice! I would love for you to have a go. Thank you.
Namaste and much love
Jo xxx
We can practice Mindfulness in lots of different ways and by noticing how things are - just for this moment - just4today - it can help to reduce stress, improve sleep and reduce chronic pain.
Choose any task in your daily routine and using your senses, take your time to notice how it feels.
Mindful walking is a good way to practice. Listen to the sounds, really look around and notice what you can see and smell.
Also when you eat your favourite lunch or dinner, concentrate on each mouthful and chew slowly and thoughtfully, enjoying the smell and all the tastes.
My favourite way to practice is to really enjoy a lovely cup of tea, especially if there is chocolate (twirls are the best) Sense the warmth of the cup and really savour the taste without rushing.
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