£25 for a 40 minute session (Includes introductions) Donations made to Alzheimer's Society.
Please go to 'Jo's Contact Details' page and email me to arrange an appointment. You will also find my bank details for payment on this page. Thank you.
I am now a Reiki Master, which I completed in August 2019.
Reiki is made up of two Japanese words - Rei meaning Higher Power and Ki meaning Life Force Energy. It is pronourced Ray-Key. Reiki is carried out by placing the hands on or above the body as required and works on your body, emotions, mind and spirit, creating a sense of wellbeing.
The benefits of having Reiki are
The only way to find out if Reiki is for you is to have a go so if you are interested please contact me. Thank you.
Namaste and much love
Jo xxx
I will not worry
I will work honestly
I will not be angry
I will love and be kind to all living things
I will give thanks for my many blessings
I will be happy
We have seven chakras, each represented by a colour and location in our body that are connected to different aspects of ourselves. Represented by colours of the rainbow and starting at the root chakra, working up to the crown chakra, they are - red, orange, yellow, green and blue, indigo and violet too.
We could think of our chakras as spinning wheels of energy, spinning simultaneously to create energy and life force, running from our base (root chakra) to our head (crown chakra). When they are evenly balanced and spinning effortlessly life is beautiful and calm and we experience a sense of fullness in our emotional, mental and physical state (mind, body and soul) and things just flow.
THE CROWN chakra is white or violet and situated at the top of our head. It represents our inner light. Meditating will help develop our intuition and creative side.
THE THIRD EYE chakra is indigo and situated between our eyebrows. It controls our brain and how our mind works and connects with our energy system.
THE THROAT chakra is blue and situated in the centre of the neck. It gives us the freedom to express ourselves freely and communicate.
THE HEART chakra is pink and green and situated in the middle of our chest. This can become blocked through grief and sadness. Any feelings of anxiety and panic are felt in the heart.
THE SOLAR PLEXUS is yellow and situated below the ribcage and above the tummy button. It represents our personal power and the sense of being ourselves.
THE SACRAL chakra is orange and situated just below the tummy button in the lower abdomen. It represents our personal satisfacton.
THE ROOT chakra is red and situated in our “sit-bones”. It is our connection to the earth and our foundation. It gives us the energy to survive and is the root of our instincts.
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